Addi Bilisummaa Oromoo (ABO) Mootummaan
Cehumsa Biyyoollessa Naannoo Oromiyaa
(MCBNO) Adoollessa 01, 2021 labsame akka lafa
qabatee dirqamaa fi gahee isaa bahu gochuuf
adda durummaan hojjachaa tureera. Haala
rakkisaa amma keessa jirru kanatti lammiileen
Oromiyaa nageenyi isaanii akka tikfamuu fi
tajaajjilli mootummaa irraa kennamuu qabu
kamiyyuu akka itti fufu taasisuu akkasumas
waraana amma biyya keessatti ta’aa jiruun
gaaga’ama dhufuu malu of-irraa qolachuuf jecha
hoggantoonni waajjira godinaalee kan
ramadaman yoo ta’u, maqaalee hoggantoota
goodinalee kana marsariitii MCBNO
( irratti
kan labsamu ta’uu kabajaan isin beeksiifna.
Lammiileen Oromiyaas hoggantoota kanneen
bira dhaabbachuun deggersa barbaachisu akka
gootaniif kabajaan isin gaafanna.
Injifannoo Ummata Cunqurfamaaf!!
Adda Bilisummaa Oromoo (ABO)
Sadaasaa 11, 2021

The Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) has played a
leading role to make sure that the Oromia
National Regional State Transitional
Government (ONRSTG) declared on July 01,
2021 is well founded to discharge its duties and
responsibilities. Given the present political crisis,
the transitional government has assigned
leaders of respective zonal administrations in
Oromia in order to safeguard peace and security
of Oromia citizens; continue rendering public
services the government is supposed to provide;
and reduce damages likely to be caused by the
on-going war taking place in the country. This is,
therefore, to kindly advise the public to refer to
the Oromia Transitional Government website:, where
list of individuals assigned to each zonal
administration is announced. We take this
opportunity to request citizens of Oromia to
extend their sincere support and cooperation
for these leaders assigned to your respective
zone administrations.
Victory to the Oppressed People!!
Oromo Liberation Front (OLF)
November 11, 2021