It gives us a great pleasure to invite all stakeholders of Ethiopia and third parties, including, politicians, aca-demics, religious and community leaders as well as international and regional personalities to participate in the forthcoming conference on ‘INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON A CURRENT CRISIS IN ETHIOPIA TO EXPLORE REALISTIC ALTERNATIVES’ which will take place in London, England, UK, on February 24, 2018. A draft synopsis of the conference and programs will be sent to individual participants once the confirmation of their attendances being received.
The purpose of the conference is bringing all stakeholders together to create a platform where all can openly, transparently and genuinely discuss the way forward to road map for a possible transitional arrangement in Ethiopia, to avert the extremely dangerous catastrophes awaiting to unfold by providing alternative arrangements to the existing.
The conference comprises all political organisations irrespective of their political differences, religious and civic organisations, independent international and national academics, human rights investigative journalists, international diplomats and human rights organisations. Therefore, all stakeholders are highly encouraged to make their utmost effort to be part of this an historic conference, to collectively devise a strategy to be able to move forward, in unison, to avert looming danger potentially capable of creating havoc not only in Ethiopia, but also in the entire Horn.
All stakeholders are cordially invited to be part of this an historic conference to be able to collectively contribute towards a common goal.
For any inquiries, please contact the
PAFD, External Committee,
Tele-phone +447463100031 or +447916561480
RSVP by February 05, 2018
The Address of the conference: –
Resource for London, 356 Holloway Road, London, N7 6PA.